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Sophia BeingAI

Sophia AI robot to be tokenized for Metaverse appearance

About Sophia BeingAI

BeingAI has collaborated with Alethea AI, a manufacturer of intelligent non-fungible tokens (iNFTs), to offer a collection of 100 iNFTs featuring Sophia beingAI on Binance's NFT marketplace in an intelligent initial game offering (IGO). This auction will occur over five days, with twenty iNFTs being released each day until it concludes on Dec. 21.

An iNFT is an intelligent NFT that has a GPT-3 prompt embedded in its permanent smart contract. With an iNFT, the customer can interact with a NFT that has both conversation and animation abilities and is saved at the smart contract layer. This NFT can converse with users in a gamified setting.

The collection is titled “The Transmedia Universe of Sophia beingAI” and is supported in Alethea AI's Noah's Ark, a decentralized metaverse project.


Sophia BeingAI screenshots

Sophia BeingAI - screen 1

Sophia BeingAI video

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