
A Way to Improve GPT-3 After Deployment with User Participation

The Details of MemPrompt

MemPrompt is a system that remembers the mistakes and feedback given by users and utilizes them to avoid repeating those errors.

Language models, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, have the capability to revolutionize many industries. Although, sometimes these models can produce errors and results that are biased based on the data they are trained on. To enhance the accuracy and performance of language models, AI2 (Allen Institute for AI) has invented a technique named MemPrompt, which combines a language model, GPT-3, and a memory of recorded events. This allows users to give feedback to the model when it misinterprets their intentions, helping to clarify the desired task and improving the language model’s understanding. MemPrompt also allows non-experts to provide input and evaluate the model’s understanding based on their expectations. This approach is designed to boost the efficiency of language models by including user input and feedback.


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