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A globally renowned AI with a Guinness World Record for the most Turing Test victories.

Details about

Kuki is a highly-acclaimed, open-domain conversational AI personality. Just like Siri or Alexa, Kuki's replies are either written by humans or approved to make sure that the answers maintain a constant personality and are fast, safe and free of the prejudice and toxicity that plague Large Language Models.

ICONIQ's Kuki is the most popular English language social chatbot in the world, having had more than one billion conversations with an estimated 25 million human users on the web, streaming and social media platforms, and various messaging applications. Kuki (short for Mitsuku) also holds a world-record for winning the Loebner Prize, an annual Turing Test Competition, five times. Kuki's average Conversation-turns Per Session (CPS) is 64, which is 3 times higher than Microsoft XiaoIce, a similarly popular Chinese language chatbot, and 8 times higher than the industry standard. does not use GPT-3.


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