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Chat with any PDF via AI

About ChatPDF

ChatPDF is an AI-driven software that enables you to have a conversation with your PDF files as if they were people. It is a great tool for quickly extracting information from large PDF documents, such as manuals, essays, legal contracts, books or research papers. However, ChatPDF isn't able to comprehend images in PDFs as of yet, and it may have difficulty understanding queries that require it to process more than a few paragraphs simultaneously.

To answer questions, the PDF is firstly analysed to create a semantic index for each paragraph. Then, the related sections are sent to the ChatGPT API.

Your data is safely stored in a secure cloud platform and is deleted after 7 days.

ChatPDF screenshots

ChatPDF - screen 1
ChatPDF - screen 2
ChatPDF - screen 3
ChatPDF - screen 4

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